The Foresters’ Association of Turkey (TOD) was established on December 26th, 1924 with the name of “Forest Academy Graduates Society” by Abdulkadir SORKUN – Pharmacist and Forest Engineer MSc., Dr. Tevfik Ali CINAR -Forest Engineer MSc. and Asaf IRMAK -Forest Engineer MSc..
It is one of the oldest Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the history of Republic of Turkey. It is among established institutions which had led the establishment of Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers (TMMOB). It had gained the status of association working for the benefit of public in 1951 by the decision of Council of Ministers.
The Foresters’ Association of Turkey had been the leading institution on the establishment of “Atatürk Forest” which is now called the lung of Ankara. The association played a significant role from the decision to established stages of the forest between 1957-1958.
The eco-tourism group, is a member of Eco-Tourism Association (TIES) based in USA, has been organizing public eco-tourism trips. During these trips, at least two competent team leaders being members of our association are guiding to participants and sharing their knowledge and experiences regarding wildlife and flora of the area. Our association, which carries out many national and international projects, is performing studies on protection of endemic species, hot points of Europe and other characteristics relevant to nature and wildlife. Our association is also the member of AIFM (Association for Mediterranean Forests) located in France.
The Forest and Hunting Magazine is being published regularly since 1928. Our Ali Kemal YIGITOGLU library, including more than 15.000 publications such as books and magazines mostly on the subject of forestry and environment, is one of the largest libraries on this subject.
The Foresters’ Association of Turkey intends to ensure the spread of love for forest, environment and nature through its operations since 1924 and to be established, to raise the awareness of public, to ensure the improvement of science and technique of forestry, and to resolve the problems of forestry as per scientific principles by observing the requirements of country and nation and the benefit of public.
The Foresters’ Association of Turkey is is an accredited CSO to the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification).
TOD (The Foresters’ Association of Turkey), being one of the main organizers of World Wood Day 2015, had gathered International Wood Culture Society (IWCS) and Eskisehir Odunpazari Municipality, had realized the first and the largest wood festival of our country in which 350 craftsmans and artsits specialized in wood, academicians and researchers from 93 different countries and Turkey came together in between March 7th -27th, 2015.
The Foresters’ Association of Turkey provides service in whole Turkey through its two branches at Istanbul and Antalya, its agencies at 21 different areas and its Faculty of Forestry representation offices. TOD undersigns significant national and international cooperations and projects with the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate it owns.